6 Common Mistakes to Avoid for an Amazing Website.

What makes a good website?

If you're living in 2024, you will understand that the least you can do for your brand is to make it high quality. We are living in a time where having a low-quality website, social media posts, logos, or anything else for your brand is not great for it. It will affect you negatively. If you are a business owner, then your website must be nice-looking. You need to make it as nice-looking as possible. Colors, design, and copies. They are the core of having a great-looking website. Let me tell you about the mistakes most people make when they first start making websites.



A lot of website designers, when they first make a website, add so much text to the landing pages. They think that it helps the reader and leads them where they want to go, which is most of the time wrong because all you're doing is confusing the reader with so much text that they don't even know where to start. Make your copies simple and direct. Don't add a lot of text.



When you first start creating a website, please choose colors that match. Don't put black text on a red background; all you're doing is making the reader blind. Make sure the colors match. Choose good colors. One of the best sources for colors is coolors.co. It gives you millions of colors to choose from. Colors impact your website so much, so try to use dark colors. When you use white backgrounds with black text, yes, that might look good when you are reading in the morning, but it is harsh on the eye when you are sitting in a dark place. As you know, many people stay up at night, and here and there, one might visit your website and get blasted with a flashbang. You lose a client this way. Try to use dark colors or add a dark mode option to your website. It gives people who use the internet at night a more comfortable browsing experience on your website.



You probably won't hear anyone talking about this, but it is actually one of the most important aspects of having a good website. When you are making a website, don't have everything zoomed in. It can make the reader feel lost and require a lot of scrolling to reach the end. Make sure the images, text, sections, or anything else on your website are far enough apart to be seen without needing to move your eyes from one edge to another or to scroll up and down.


4. Alignments

When you are creating a website, alignment is an important part of making your website look nice. We always advise making the website in one alignment, which could be left, center, or right. If your website is in English, the worst thing you could do is make the website alignment right. It makes reading confusing and uncomfortable. Instead, use center, left, or a mix of both. It will make the website look more organized and easier to read.



When making a website, an important part of making it look good is organizing the text colors, alignments, and boldness. Making a website with bold text everywhere does not look good. Use bold only to highlight keywords. Try to only use the bold option when needed, making it rare and noticeable to the reader to grab their attention. We always see websites where the designer sort of uses bold everywhere, on every CTA, on every line, which just makes the website look so ugly. Use boldness lightly on your website; trust us, it will make it look good.



Many people, when they first start creating their website, add images, which is nice and gives the website a sense of organization and life. However, images can sometimes make the website look unattractive. We are referring to low-quality background and foreground images. This is probably the most common mistake that we see everyone making. Do not use low-quality images on your website; you are essentially making it look like a website from 2003. There are plenty of sources for high-quality stock images, so use them to find whatever image you need. You need to make the website look good and high-quality; it wouldn't make sense to include low-quality images. 
Lastly, how does a good website contribute to your brand's success?

Let me tell you. I will assume that you have a brand already established. When someone visits your website, it should convey who you are. Are you a high-quality brand? They will find the answer on your website. Does your brand take care of its image? They will be able to tell. A good website reflects the brand's image with proficiency and high quality. You need an attractive website to establish a high-quality brand. A good website should make the user comfortable while browsing, be visually appealing, and easily attract attention. It can lead to more sales or bookings, boost your credibility, and ultimately make you and your brand look good. This is why you must have a nice-looking website.

With the information above, you can simply head to your workstation, which could be Wix.com, Squarespace.com, or any website builder you prefer, and get started on creating your amazing website. That's probably all the advice you need. Sometimes dealing with website builders can be challenging, requiring time and research to get everything just right, but you can figure it out; it's not that hard!


Now, if you want all of the above, and maybe even more, but don't want to deal with the headache of going through all of this, then no problem; we've got the solution for you.

Click HERE and see how we can help you take your brand image to the NEXT LEVEL.

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